youth exchange
Solidarity without borders
April 26 – May 2
Slovenia, near Ljubljana
The main information about Youth Exchange
Summary of the Youth Exchange
The theme of Solidarity still needs to be promoted among young people. Still we are in times where can be seen great social and economic disparities between people. Also can be seen the ever-increasing fear of young people, which and thus a growing need – to define ourselves against those who are different, which leads not only to rejection others, but often also to hate speech in both the online and offline world.
This Youth Exchange "Solidarity is my lifestyle" is going not only to bring different young people from abroad together but also let them experience solidarity so that their personal attitudes towards others begin to change.
come and experience a week full of practical actions that will make you understand what solidarity really is and how to live it.
You will learn:
that it only takes a little to bring good among the people in your community;
to be sensitive to others around you, to their needs and their situation, and to learn how to respond with solidarity to them;
What we will experience together:
sharing and practising solidarity in every single moment of the exchange;
visiting some places with people in need to bring solidarity also to them;
moments of fun, games and getting to know each other and our beautiful countries;
everyday spiritual programme (Holy mass, testimonies, teaching etc.).
Meet the facilitator
RoMi Michalíková
Originally comes from the Czech Republic but has been living in Slovakia since 2017. She is a member of the Christian Catholic community living in Orava youth centre. She works in organisation VIAC – Institute for youth support and development as a project manager. She works with young people from 2007. She is also game designer and game player.
Who can participate?
Young people:
at the age from 16 to 23 from participating countries;
who are interested in the topic;
who can speak English at a conversational level.
one group leader:
Every group needs to have a group leader, who is at the age of 18+ and will be responsible for the group.
From the group leader we expect:
active support of young people in the preparation part and within all the duration of the youth exchange;
aking responsibility in solving the problems that may occur in the group;
taking part in the common meetings according to the schedule.
By applying to this youth exchange, participants commit themselves to actively participate in the whole process, including:
reading all the information carefully;
communicating timely with the organisers;
preparing adequately for the youth exchange according to the instructions;
taking actively part in the full duration of the activities;
to participate in the evaluation process after the youth exchange;
to participate in sharing the results and outcomes of the youth exchange after the youth exchange is over.
The Youth Exchange will take place in village Planina
The accommodation will be in shared rooms of between 3 and 4 people. Showers and toilets are shared. The sheets and towels will be provided. The course is residential, so we will stay together in the venue for the whole time.
First of all you need to arrive on 26th (Saturday) of April, but depart on 2th (Friday) of May. And we recommend this option:
TROUGH Ljubljana
Take a flight or Flixbus to Ljubljana;
From Ljubljana bus station take a bus to;
get to Planina
3. From Ljubljana take a buses to Liplje.
Check buses departure times. There are direct buses to Liplje from ther you can walke.
To receive reimbursement of travel expenses (plane/bus/train) we need you to deliver us following documents:
Invoice of your flight tickets, originals of bus or train tickets (invoice received from the airline/bus company if you buy the tickets online or from the travelling agency if you buy the tickets via an agency);
Boarding pass (from both ways).
*Please note that that travel costs will be reimbursed only for those who:
stay for the whole period of the youth exchange (travel days are 26.04.2025 (arriving) and 02.05.2025 (departure));
who fills the final report after the youth exchange is over;
actively participate in sharing the results and outcomes of the exchange after the exchange is over.
Beakfast, lunch, dinner and coffee breaks are all included. Also individual eating habits of participants will be taken into account, but don't be afraid to try Slovenian traditionals!
It is the participant's responsibility to obtain full insurance for themselves. This includes travel insurance, medical insurance or European Health Insurance Card.
Important information:
The place is strictly non-alcoholic, so we kindly ask you to respect it.
What to prepare before youth exchange?
Please prepare presentation (together with all group) of your country, culture, habits which:
is interactive (other participants must be involved);
must NOT be boring – be creative as much as possible.
Creative workshop as your part of the programme
In the programme of the exchange every group will have creative workshop to create small presents for people in need. Your group will lead the workshop for other participants to teach them how to create those gifts.
Please choose together with your group what do you want to create and send us the list of materials you will need for it, so we can arrange it before the exchange.
Please for making gifts choose any technique you want but that you are also able to teach others (it means no too complicated and taking too much time). For the workshop you will have maximum 1,5 hours.
Please bring some national food, treats or some souvenirs for all participants (all costs are on your side)!
DON'T FORGET Outdoor clothes
The youth exchange will include outdoor activities. Please pack clothes which are also suitable for outdoor activities. And also be prepared that it can be colder here in Slovakia, or it may rain here.
Online meeting
On April 15 at 17.00 (Slovak time, GTM+2)
There is going to be an online meeting with all participants and group leaders before the activity takes part here in Slovakia. There we will meet each other and also clarify what is needed to be prepared.